Introduced by Thor Dalebø of Normandy, France, France in 2006, Canna (
Balisier) ‘Arne Dalebø’ is a medium sized Italian Group cultivar; green and purple
variegated foliage, large, elliptical-acuminate shaped, acute apex, maroon margin, upright habit; oval main stems, coloured purple; flowers are open,
red-orange streaked with
scarlet, throat orange-red, staminodes are large, edges frilled, labellum is orange-red, stamen is orange-red, petals purple with farina, fully self-cleaning, average bloomer, flowers in summer until frosts, blooms open in the early morning; seed is sterile, pollen is fertile; rhizomes are thick, up to 3 cm in diameter, coloured purple; tillering is prolific.
Canna ‘Arne Dalebø’ is available from specialist growers; breeding is Sport of C. ‘Nero’.
Thor Dalebø