The Canna flower parts

When describing the various parts that constitute a Canna flower, the first thing to do is to explain that the petals aren’t really petals, they are actually infertile stamens (male reproductive organs) that have been adapted to the role. There are two types of these ‘petals’, namely the staminodes and the labellum, which is sometimes called the lip and acts as the landing platform when an insect ascends onto the flower.


The part of a stamen that produces pollen. In the case of Canna, the pollen is released through longitudinal slits in the anther. Pollen is a small grain of dust, most often yellow, which is deposited on the pistil (female part) to fertilize the female ovules.


A lip. A modified stamen that acts as the lower lip. When visiting the flower, this is where insects will normally alight.


The enlarged, rounded, ovule-producing base of the female portion (the pistil) of a flower that eventually develops into a fruit after its ovules have been fertilized.


An outgrowth of the ovary, which upon fertilization, becomes the seed.


The female part of a canna flower. A complete pistil consists of three parts: stigma, ovary, and style.


The dust-like particles on the anthers of a flower are pollen grains, these contain the male gametes. They must unite with the female gametes before fertile seeds can be produced.


The transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of the same or a different flower to ensure fertilization of the ovules to produce seeds.


Part of a flower, usually green, that surrounds and protects the flower in bud. The sepals are derived from modified leaves, and are collectively known as the calyx.


The male floral organ, bearing the anther, which produces pollen.


A sterile stamen.


The part of the pistil of a flower, normally on the tip of the style or ovary, which receives pollen. Normally sticky so that pollen stays attached and grows pollen tubes that descend to the ovary to fertilize the eggs.

Author: Thor