Commandant Dubois

Canna 'Commandant Dubois' is a medium-sized Crozy Group cultivar, with green leaves and multi-coloured flowers.

Commandant Faurax

Canna 'Commandant Faurax' is a medium-sized Crozy Group cultivar, with green leaves and red flowers.

Commandant Rivière

Canna 'Commandant Rivière' is a medium-sized Crozy Group cultivar, with green leaves and multi-coloured flowers.

Compact de Villée

Canna 'Compact de Villée' is a medium-sized Crozy Group cultivar, with green leaves and yellow flowers.

Compte de Bouchaud

Canna 'Compte de Bouchaud' is a medium-sized Crozy Group cultivar, with green leaves and multi-coloured flowers.

Comtesse de Bouchaud

Canna 'Comtesse de Bouchaud' is a medium-sized Crozy Group cultivar, with green leaves and multi-coloured flowers.