When describing the various parts that constitute a Canna flower, the first thing to do is to explain that the petals aren't really petals, they are actually infertile stamens (male…
In an article delivered to the International Dendrology Society by By Councilor Bern. Sprenger, the writer described the life of his cousin Karl Sprenger. Karl Sprenger was the creator of…
Canna enthusiasts are well aware of the damage that slugs and snails can cause in their plants, and although the use of chemical slug repellents is a possible protection option,…
Théodore Année, a wealthy, retired French diplomatic consul in South America, returned to France in the mid 1840's and settled in rue des Réservoirs, Passy, Paris, where he devoted himself…
(Reprint from Tuesday, 1 January 2008) CANNA VIRUS DISEASE A guest article authored by Keith Hayward, Hart Canna Most gardeners with a particular interest in cannas will by now be…